The sun shines again

As any of you who follow my blog know our 7 year old had surgery on the 23rd of January (also the birthday of our oldest son). 4 days after surgery he started running a fever. It was the kind of fever that behaves while under the influence of Tylenol or Motrin but in that strange in between time when you can’t really overlap the two his temp were spiking up to 102. Yeah,  not fun stuff.
Anyhow after a day of that nonsense I called the surgeon who told me to take him to his regular doctor who wouldn’t you know it was booked solid with flu patients until today. So like any normal mom I carried my way to sick child to the ER where I was informed he had developed a throat infection.
A new round of antibiotics and fever meds every six hours on the dot our 7 year old is now totally fever free and able to go back to school….. Tomorrow. (insert mom doing a happy dance) 
His doctor did tell me at today’s follow up that the throat looks good but he’s beginning to get thrush (most likely from all the antibiotics he’s been on). I’m just happy to have my baby boy back to almost normal instead of the sad looking lump of child who slept on the couch for 3 days in a row.
On that note now that he’ll be going back to school I’ll probably go back to posting my normal stuff about nothing.  Lol

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